Predicting decision-making skills through effective open-minded thinking among Al-Azhar University students

Document Type : Original Article


قسم علم النفس التعليمي والإحصاء التربوي ، كلية التربية، جامعة الأزهر


The current research aimed at studying the relationship between decision-making skills and effective open-minded thinking, and predicting decision-making through effective open-minded thinking. The research tools were applied to (248) male and female students from Al-Azhar University in Cairo, for the academic year 2020/2021 AD. The research tools were: the decision-making scale (developed by: the researchers), the effective open-minded thinking scale (developed by: the researchers). The research resulted in a relationship at the level (0.01) between the scores of the sample members on the decision-making scale (skills, the total degree) and their scores on the effective open-minded thinking scale (dimensions, the total degree). The results also showed the possibility of predicting decision-making with the knowledge of effective open-minded thinking, as well as two variables that make a statistically significant contribution to predicting decision-making, namely (the total degree of effective open-minded thinking, and the dimension of flexibility thinking). The results also showed that there were statistically insignificant differences between males & females in both decision-making (skills and total degree) and effective open-minded thinking (dimensions-total degree).






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