The Role of Al-Azhar Lounges in Teaching the Holly Qur’an in the Governorates of A.R.E.

Document Type : Original Article


قسم التربية الإسلامية، كلية التربية بنين بالقاهرة، جامعة الأزهر.


The study aimed to reveal the role of Al-Azhar  lounges in teaching the Holy Quran in the governorates of A.R.E., and to identify the most important difficulties facing the educational process in the lounges and how to overcome them. The study used the descriptive and the rooting approaches. It was revealed that Al-Azhar lounges are interested in memorizing the Holly Qur’an for adults and children in the governorates of Egypt, and that lounges used distance memorization in order to overcome the Corona Virus Crisis. The study also revealed the need for the lounges branches in the governorates to provide technological means for distance-learning the Qur’an at all levels, and these lounges focused on memorizing the Qur’an without understanding its verses. Thus, the study recommended adding a material of the Qur’an similar verses to help master memorization, and adding a brief tafsir (interpretation) in teaching the Holy Qur’an, especially for adult learners. The study suggested studying the role of Imam Al-Tayyeb School in teaching the Holy Quran to international students.






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An interview with Sheikh Muhammad Hegazy, one of the teachers in the Holy Qur’an circular portico  in Banha circular portico  in the Al-Qalyubia Al-Azhar area.
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An interview with Mr. Ayman Mohamed El-Desouky, Director of the Library of Al-Azhar Mosque at Al-Azhar University, on Sunday, July 15th  2018, at two o'clock in the afternoon.
An interview with Mr. Hussein Abdel-Fattah, the administrative supervisor of Assiut Circular portico , on Thursday, December 2nd  2021 AD, at three o'clock in the afternoon.
An interview with Professor Massad Mamoun, the scientific supervisor of Banha Circular portico , December 2021 AD, at three o'clock in the afternoon.
An interview with the student Muhammad Ishaq Issa (an immigrant student) on Sunday, December 13, 2020, after Maghrib at Al-Azhar Mosque.
An interview with the student Fatima Muhammad, the student in the Noble Qur’an Circular portico  (first level), after the afternoon prayer at Al-Azhar Mosque in December 2020.
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An interview with Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Jamal, the scientific supervisor of the Mansoura circular portico , at the end of November 2021 AD, at 3:30 in the afternoon.
An interview with Sheikh Mahmoud Abdel-Gawad, the coordinator of the circular portico way for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, at Al-Azhar Mosque, on November 21st  2020.
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