Quality of work life as an Approach for Improving the Performance of Faculty Members at Al-Azhar University

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Administration, Planning, and Comparative Studies Faculty of Education for Boys, Dakahlia - Al-Azhar University



         The current research aimed at exploring the status quo of quality of work life at Al-Azhar University and its relationship to improving the performance of faculty members from their perspective. The research used the descriptive method as the most appropriate approach for the nature and objectives of the study. A questionnaire was used as the data collection tool, which included questions covering the dimensions of quality of work life and faculty performance. It was applied to a sample of 388 faculty members from various faculties of Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Upper Egypt, and Lower Egypt. The research reached several findings, including:
-           The results showed that the overall quality of work life, in its various dimensions, was achieved at a moderate level, with a mean of 1.94 and an achievement percentage of 64.61%. The job security dimension ranked first with a mean of 2.06 among all dimensions, with a moderate practice percentage of 68.68%, followed by the training and professional development dimension, which ranked second with a mean of 2.06 and a practice percentage of 68.58%. Meanwhile, the salaries and incentives dimension ranked last with a mean of 1.55 and a low practice percentage of 51.54%.
-           The results did not show any statistically significant differences in the responses of the study sample based on the variables of university branch, faculty specialization, or academic degree concerning the overall status quo of quality of work life and all its dimensions.
The study recommended the need to improve the work environment and conditions for faculty members. It also called for improving the salary and incentive system to ensure a decent living standard for faculty members and expanding the range of benefits and services provided to them. Additionally, the study suggested enhancing the work environment to be more supportive of job security and work-life balance, as well as increasing training and professional development opportunities to enhance the performance of faculty members in various areas.                                                 


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