The structural Model of the Causal Relationships between Psychological Capital, Professional Motivation, and Emotional Labor Strategies among Middle School Teachers

Document Type : Original Article


Department of educational Psychology Womens, Faculty-Ain Shams University.



   The current research aimed to reach to a structural model that explains the causal relationships between psychological capital (Psycap), professional motivation (PM), and emotional labor (EL) among middle school teachers ,and detect  the difference in relationships between EL and both Psycap and PM according to gender and years of experience.The research sample consisted of (271) male and female middle school teachers in government schools in the Egyptian Beheira Governorate during the academic year (2023/2024), aged (27:58) years, with an average age of (44.5) and a standard deviation of (4.2) years. The research tools included Psycap scale, PM scale and EL scale (designed by the two researchers). Findings: revealed a partial mediation of PM in the relationship between Psycap and EL, also revealed that no differences in the strength of the relationship between EL and Psycap according to gender and years of experience. Also, there were no differences in the strength of the relationship between EL and PM according to years of experience, while there was a difference according to gender.                                                 


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