Designing Two Models of Interactive Video Summaries (Macro/Micro) in an E-Learning Environment and Their Interaction with Cognitive Style (Rigid/Flexible) in Enhancing Object-Oriented Programming Skills and Digital Passion among Educational Technology Students

Document Type : Original Article


Educational Technology, Faculty of Education for Boys (Cairo), Al-Azhar University


The current study aimed to explore the impact of designing two models of interactive video summaries (macro/micro) within an e-learning environment and their interaction with cognitive style (rigid/flexible) on the development of object-oriented programming skills and digital passion among Educational Technology students. To achieve this goal, educational content was designed in the form of interactive videos, incorporating both macro and micro video summaries, and was delivered through an e-learning environment that accounted for cognitive styles (rigid/flexible). The research sample consisted of 100 students, divided into four groups. The study employed an integrated developmental research method, which included descriptive-analytical methodology, systems development approach, and quasi-experimental design, to explore the effect of the interaction between the two types of interactive video summaries (macro/micro) and cognitive style (rigid/flexible) on cognitive achievement, practical performance in object-oriented programming skills, and digital passion among Educational Technology students. A factorial design (2x2) was used, and research tools were prepared, along with experimental treatment materials, which were then administered to the study participants after verifying their suitability for actual administration. Statistical analysis and interpretation of the results revealed significant interaction effects between the independent variables. The study demonstrated the superiority of the micro interactive video summaries and the flexible cognitive style in enhancing cognitive achievement, practical programming skills, and digital passion towards e-learning environments. Key recommendations from this study include leveraging the findings to develop e-learning environments based on interactive video and conducting further research on various variables related to interactive video summaries in different e-learning applications and systems.


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