Factorial Structure of University Engagement for Taif University Students

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor in Educational Psychology at Taif University.


University Engagement Scale among students at Taif University, as well as to assess their level of university engagement.
Methodology: The study sample consisted of 500 male and female students from Taif University, with an average age of 19.47 years and a standard deviation of 0.96. The researcher used the scale by Zhoc et al. (2019), which consists of 28 items distributed across seven dimensions. The data was analyzed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis.
Results: The exploratory factor analysis revealed a structure comprising seven dimensions. This model demonstrated a good fit with the sample data after adding some relationships between measurement errors (RMSEA=0.058; CFI=0.91; TLI=0.90) through confirmatory factor analysis. The findings indicated that academic engagement was present to a moderate to high degree, with the highest level of engagement being with the internet and the lowest level being with faculty members.
Recommendations: The study highlights the importance of conducting further research on the stability of the factorial structure of the academic engagement scale among Saudi university students, and emphasizes the need to strengthen the engagement between students and faculty members.


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