Visual and auditory perception and their relationship to social communication among children with autism spectrum disorder


Department of Mental Health, Faculty of Education, Dakahlia, Al-Azhar University


The aim of the current research is to study the relationship between visual perception and social communication in children with autism spectrum disorder, and also to study the relationship between auditory perception and social communication in children with autism spectrum disorder. 40 statements divided into four dimensions: visual discrimination, visual closure, awareness of spatial relationships, and visual memory. The auditory perception assessment scale consists of 37 statements divided into three dimensions: auditory discrimination, auditory closure, and auditory memory, and the social communication scale, which includes 43 statements and is divided into two dimensions: verbal communication. and non-verbal communication). These tools were applied to a sample of (30) children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, between the ages of 6-9 years. The results showed: There is a statistically significant positive correlation between visual perception and social communication in children with autism spectrum disorder, in addition to the presence of a statistically significant positive correlation between auditory perception and social communication in children with autism spectrum disorder.


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