Evaluation of the academic preparation program for geography teachers in the faculties of education, Al-Azhar University in the light of academic standards

Document Type : Original Article


قسم المناهج وطرق التدريس، كلية التربية، جامعة الأزهر


The aim of the research is to evaluate the Academic Preparation Program for geography teachers in the faculties of education at Al-Azhar University in the light of academic standards, and to achieve this was the use of descriptive analytical method, where the researcher prepared a list of academic standards, and the list in its final form consisted of four areas, 23 criteria and 63 indicators، The researcher then analyzed the academic courses in the light of those standards and monitored the extent of the inclusion of those standards and indicators in their content، the results of the research revealed that the academic program for geography teachers in the faculties of education, Al-Azhar University, included 13 standards out of a total of 23 standards, with a percentage of 56.5% of the total number of standards, a percentage that slightly exceeds the average, and the number of indicators included in the content of the preparation program reached 29 indicators out of a total of 63 indicators. with a percentage of 46% of the total number of indicators, which is a weak percentage; Which indicates the existence of a gap between the academic preparation program and the academic standards. In light of this, the research recommended the need to develop the academic preparation program for geography teachers in the faculties of education, Al-Azhar University in the light of the academic standards.


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