The relationship between perceived stress coping strategies and type A behavior pattern among the faculty staff members at Al-Azhar University in Cairo

Document Type : Original Article


Mental Health department, Al-Azhar University university, Egypt.


This study aimed at exploring the level of using perceived stress coping strategies among the faculty members at Al-Azhar University in Cairo. In addition, it explored the correlation between perceived stress coping strategies and type A behavior pattern among the faculty staff at Al-Azhar University. Moreover, the study aimed at identifying the differences in using these strategies in light of gender and academic degree. The study sample consisted of (160) of which 90 were males and 70 were females. The researchers used the measures of Perceived Stress Coping Strategies and Type “A” Behavior Pattern (prepared by researchers), and the descriptive correlative approach was used. Results showed a statistically significant correlation between perceived stress coping strategies and type A behavior pattern among the sample of the study. Moreover, there were statistically significant differences between males and females in using problem-focused coping and seeking social support in favor of males, while there were statistically significant differences between males and females in using the avoidance strategy in favor of females, while there were no statistically significant differences between males and females in using the emotional orientation strategy. Furthermore, there were statistically significant differences in using problem-focused coping among faculty staff members at Al-Azhar University in the light of the academic degree in favor of the degree of professor, while there were no statistically significant differences in the strategies of emotional orientation, seeking social support, and avoidance among faculty staff members at Al-Azhar University in the light of the academic degree.






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