The contribution of kindergarten teachers to providing children with the values of socialization from the perspective of Islamic education

Document Type : Original Article


Master's Researcher, Major in Islamic and General Education, Department of Education, College of Education, King's University.


The study aimed to identify the objectives of socialization that should be given to kindergarten children. And to clarify the contribution of kindergarten teachers in providing children with the objectives of socialization. And provide a vision of how to activate the contribution of kindergarten teachers in providing children with the objectives of socialization. The study used the descriptive survey method to analyze the practices and activities carried out by kindergarten teachers in order to provide their students with the objectives of socialization, through the questionnaire tool, by applying it to a sample of kindergarten teachers in the city of Khamis Mushait. Through the results of the study, the researcher made several recommendations: Assigning kindergarten teachers is part of the activities to enhance the children's knowledge of the pillars of faith. Focusing kindergarten teachers through teaching methods and methods on training children to take responsibility. Developing kindergarten programs with regard to academic contents and student activities in a way that contributes to promoting the values ​​of socialization among children. Awareness of kindergarten teachers to focus on providing children with time management skills (investing it). Directing kindergarten teachers to activate activities that help children preserve the national heritage. Urging kindergarten teachers to develop and teach children about the relationship of the womb. Directing kindergarten teachers to pay attention to accustoming the child to scientific thinking.






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