Attitude towards the e-book considering some demographic variables among students and faculty members at Al-Azhar University in Tafahana Al-Ashraf

Document Type : Original Article


Psychology Department, Faculty of Humanities, Al-Azhar University, Dakahlia, Egypt.



The current study aimed to know the level of students' attitude towards the e-book considering some demographic variables such as gender, specialization, and academic year, in addition to revealing the differences in faculty members' attitude towards the e-book according to gender, specialization, academic degree, and experience. The study sample consisted of (638) students, with (300 male students, 338 female students), of whom (334) were from theoretical departments, and (304) from practical departments, in addition to (212) faculty members, with (52 males, 160 females), and their academic degrees were limited to (professor, assistant professor, lecturer) and the number of years of teaching experience ranged (less than 10 years - from 10, 20 years - more than 20), and a scale of faculty members' attitudes towards using the e-book was used (prepared by the researcher), and a scale of students' attitudes towards using the e-book (prepared by the researcher). The study relied on the descriptive analytical approach, and the results reached a statistical significance at the level (0.01) for the three dimensions The students' attitude scale towards the e-book (affective, cognitive, behavioral) as well as the total score, and the level of students' attitude towards the e-book was weak, and statistical significance was found at the level (0.01) for the dimension of the importance of the e-book for the faculty member as well as the total score, and there was no statistical significance for the dimension of the importance of the e-book for the student, the level of faculty members' attitude towards the e-book was strong and positive, and there were no differences between males and females in students' attitudes towards the e-book, while differences were found between the theoretical and scientific specializations in students' emotional attitudes towards the e-book in the direction of theoretical specializations, while there were no statistically significant differences between the other dimensions and the total score due to the specialization, and there were statistically significant differences between the averages of the study sample according to the academic year ,While there were differences in the two dimensions of the scale of faculty members' attitudes towards the e-book as well as the total score in favor of males, while there were no differences between them due to specialization, there were also statistically significant differences between the average of the category (professors and assistant professors) as well as between the category (professors and instructors) in the dimension of the importance of the e-book for the faculty member as well as in the total score, in addition to the presence of statistically significant differences in the dimension of the importance of the e-book for the faculty member in the scale of faculty members' attitudes towards the e-book according to the variable of the number of years of experience, as there were statistically significant differences between the average of the category with a number of years of experience (less than 10) and the group with a number of years of experience from 10 to 20 years in the dimension of the importance of the e-book for the faculty member, while there were no significant differences between the group (less than 10 and more than) 20. As well as the group from (10 to 20 and more than 20) in the dimension of the importance of the e-book for the faculty member, and the results were discussed considering the literature and previous studies.                                                 


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