Kindergarten Teachers' Practices to Achieve the Standard of Cognitive Processes and General Information in Accordance with Early Learning Developmental Standards

Document Type : Original Article


King Saud University - College of Education - Department of Early Childhood - Majoring in Early Childhood Education.



   The current study aimed to identify the kindergarten teachers practices to achieve the cognitive processes and general information criterion according to early developmental learning standards, to reveal the sample responses' differences according to the two variables (years of experience and number of training courses). It has adopted the descriptive survey approach, the questionnaire tool was applied to a sample of governmental kindergarten female teachers in Riyadh, (225) female teachers. The findings: the study sample practiced with an often degree with an average mean of (3.88) to achieve the standard of cognitive processes and general information according to developmental learning standards in the following tracks: (Mathematics, Science, Creative Arts, technology). The most prominent practices in mathematics were the situations employment that counting could be used, the use of tangible tools to learn mathematical concepts. In science, responding to children's questions about concepts, appreciating their ideas, and solving problems. In the creative arts, children's works were presented, discussed, enriched the art corner, encouraged to tell stories. In technology, activated in the classroom, and children will be aware to deal safely.                                                 


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