The Presentation Style of the Task in a Virtual Reality Environment Based on Project-Based Learning to Develop the Skills of Producing Digital Educational Materials for General Diploma Students in Education at Al-Azhar University

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Libraries, Information and Educational Technology, Faculty of Education for Boys, Al-Azhar University, Cairo.

2 Department of Educational Technology and Information Faculty of Education for Boys, Al-Azhar University, Cairo.


   The current research aimed to develop cognitive aspects and measure the level of product quality of digital educational tools among students of the general diploma in education at Al-Azhar University, by revealing the impact of differing task presentation styles (partial/whole) in a virtual reality environment based on project-based learning. The researchers used a developmental approach that included a descriptive analytical method during the study and analysis phase, a systems approach in developing treatments, and an experimental method during the evaluation phase. The research procedures involved selecting a sample consisting of 60 students from the general diploma in education at Al-Azhar University, Alexandria Center. The sample was divided into two groups: the first experimental group studied using the (partial task presentation style) consisting of 30 students, and the second experimental group studied using the (whole task presentation style) consisting of 30 students. The research tools included a knowledge achievement test and a product evaluation card for digital educational tools. Statistical processing methods were applied using the "SPSS" package. The research results indicated a difference between the means of the two experimental groups for the post-measurement of cognitive achievement and the product evaluation card in favor of the second experimental group that studied using the (whole) task presentation style in a virtual reality environment based on project-based learning. The research recommended a set of recommendations, the most important of which are: working on employing virtual reality environments based on project-based learning to develop many educational skills for the general diploma in education, in addition to using task presentation style patterns in virtual reality environments based on project-based learning for other student categories.                                                 


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