The role of secondary school in promoting positive personal values among its students from the point of view of male and female supervisors in light of Islamic education

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational Sciences, College of Education, Al-Kharj, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


The current study aimed to identify the role of the secondary school in promoting positivity among its students from the point of view of male and female supervisors in the light of Islamic education, by identifying the roles of the teacher, curricula and student activities, and the study also aimed to reveal the obstacles that weaken the secondary school's role in promoting positivity among its students in the light of Islamic education. Considering this, a questionnaire consisting of (48) items divided into five fields was built and applied to a sample of (136) supervisors in the Department of Education in the governorates of Wadi Al-Dawasir and Al-Sulayil. The study found many results, the most important of which are: that the mentors who participated in the study believe that the secondary school plays its overall role in promoting positivity among its students in the light of Islamic education to a moderate degree, and that the teacher plays his role in promoting positivity among secondary school students to a high degree, and they also believe that the current student curricula and activities enhance positivity among secondary school students to a high degree. The study also revealed that there are some obstacles that limit the promotion of positive values among students,. The study also presented a set of proposals that would contribute to activating the role of the secondary school in promoting positivity among its students in the light of Islamic education, including the following: consolidating the relationship between the school and the educational community institutions such as the family, the mosque and the media to activate positivity.


The Holy Quran.
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