Evaluation of Volunteer Work in Civil Society Organizations from The Perspective of Social Capital Investment

Document Type : Original Article


تخصص مجالات الخدمة الاجتماعية, قسم الخدمة الاجتماعية وتنمية المجتمع, كلية التربية بالقاهرة, جمهورية مصر العربية.


the study aimed to: evaluate volunteer work in civil society organizations from the perspective of investing in social capital in order to reveal the reality of volunteer work and encourage joining and contributing to it, the role that social capital plays in the context of its relationship to volunteer work, and trying to reveal the extent of individuals’ awareness of the concept of capital. Social, and showing the actual role played by voluntary civil organizations in community settings, and trying to demonstrate the association and distinguish it from other associations as a unique civil institutional tool that can achieve what other civil institutions cannot achieve in the field of cooperation and confidence building, through a sample of members of the Board of Directors of the  Association " Shabab-ElKhair " for Development in Shubra El-Nakhla, numbering (16) members who obtained low grades on the social capital scale. The study relied on the approach (experimental approach - case study approach). The study concluded that there were statistically significant differences between the pre- and post-measurements of the experimental group on the instrument Research to reveal the extent of (contribution of social capital to supporting volunteer work in civil society organizations).



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