The Level of Social Intelligence and Its Role in Enhancing Social Cohesion to Face the Challenges of a Changing World: A Field Study on Students of the College of Basic Education in Kuwait

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Social Studies, College of Basic Education, Public Authority for Applied Education and Training, Kuwait


This study aimed to uncover the level of social intelligence and its role in enhancing social cohesion to face the challenges of a changing world. The study employed a descriptive methodology and used a questionnaire as a data collection tool. It was conducted on a sample of 1178 male and female students from the College of Basic Education in the General Authority for Applied Education and Training in Kuwait, distributed according to gender and academic level. The results revealed that the level of social intelligence among students at the College of Basic Education in Kuwait was high. The role of social intelligence in enhancing social cohesion was also perceived as high by the study sample. The results indicated no statistically significant differences in the responses of the study sample attributed to the gender variable, while statistically significant differences were found in their responses attributed to the academic level variable in favor of fourth-year students compared to first-year students.


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