The Effectiveness of Participatory Learning in Developing E-Pedagogical Skills for Geography Teaching among General Diploma Students (Social Studies Specialization) and their Attitudes towards it

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods, Faculty of Education for Boys in Assiut, Al-Azhar University.


This Study Aimed at Determining the Effect of Participatory Learning on Developing E-pedagogical Cognitive and Practical Skills Required for General Diploma Students Majoring in Social Studies. Developing Social Studies Majors' attitudes towards Social Studies E-Instruction was also targeted. Both Experimental and Descriptive Methods were utilized. The Sample Comprised one Group of (32) General Diploma Social Studies Students in Sohag Center for Educational Qualification Following Faculty of Education for Boys in Cairo.
    An Achievement Test for Assessing the Cognitive Aspect of E-Pedagogical Skills for Teaching Geography, an Observation form of Practical E-pedagogical Skills for Teaching Geography, and a Scale of Social Studies Students' Attitudes towards E-instruction for Teaching Geography.
   Results Revealed the Effectiveness of Participatory Learning in developing e-Pedagogical Skills for Teaching Geography as well as Developing General Diploma Social Studies Majors' Attitudes towards E-Instruction for Teaching Geography. A set of Recommendations and Suggestions for Further Research were Provided.


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