The Reality of Work Culture Development among Saudi Women in the Light of Saudi Vision 2030, Meeting the Needs of the Labor Market

Document Type : Original Article


Specialization in the fundamentals of Islamic and general education, College of Education, King Khalid University


The present research aimed at identifying the reality of work culture development among Saudi women in the light of Saudi Vision 2030, meeting the needs of the labor market. To achieve this aim, the girl researcher used the descriptive approach, as the research sample consisted of (300) Saudi women from different categories of Saudi society in the city of Abha, where a questionnaire was distributed to them. The results concluded that the reality of work culture development among Saudi women in the light of Saudi Vision 2030, meeting the needs of the labor market was moderate, while the obstacles and mechanisms for work culture development among Saudi women, meeting the needs of the labor market was high. The results also concluded that there are statistically significant differences according to the response of the individuals in the research sample towards (the reality, obstacles, mechanisms) of work culture development among Saudi women, meeting the needs of the labor market due to the variable of the academic qualification, in favor of Saudi women who hold postgraduate qualifications (postgraduate studies "Master and Doctorate"), and there are statistically significant differences according to the response of the individuals of the research sample towards the reality of work culture development among Saudi women, meeting the needs of the labor market due to the age variable, in favor of women aged 25 to less than 35 years, and there are statistically significant differences according to the response of individuals in the research sample towards obstacles of work culture development among Saudi women, meeting the needs of the labor market due to the age variable, in favor of those aged 45 and over, and there are statistically significant differences according to the response of the individuals in the research sample towards the reality of work culture development among Saudi women, meeting the needs of the labor market due to variable of work nature, in favor of the women who are self-employed.






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