assessment based on active learning, in the development of teaching performance of science teachers in the primary stage in Saudi Arabia

نوع المستند : بحوث فی مجال علم النفس والصحة النفسیة



This work seeks to investigate the effects associated with training initiatives in line with formative assessment, as based on active learning, in an effort to enhance teaching amongst science teachers in Saudi primary schools. The programme comprised training sessions, all of which were ongoing for a period of two months. The researcher adopted an experimental approach centred on the design of the control and experimental groups so as to establish the overall efficiency of the suggested training programme. In the work, a sample made up of 33 primary school science teachers, based in Sakaka in Al-Jouf region, was used; the sample was randomly divided, with some assigned to an experimental group (16 teachers), with the remainder (17) assigned to a control groupthat had not received any professional development. The findings garnered indicate that the success of the proposed programme, in the case of the experimental group, was more a function of the control group in the telemetric higher. The proposed training programme was found to have a positive impact on the development of teaching performance in relation to different skills, such as think in pairs, group work and questions. Hence, formative assessment, as based on active learning, could fundamentally change the quality of teacher–student interactions.

الكلمات الرئيسية

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