أولاً: المراجع العربية:
إبراهيم، سماح محمود (2020). فعالية برنامج تدريبي قائم على نموذج تجهيز المعلومات الاجتماعية في تعديل التحيزات المعرفية وتحسين الاندماج الجامعي لدى طلاب السنة الأولى بالمرحلة الجامعية. المجلة التربوية، جامعة حلوان، (80)، 650- 829.
إبراهيم، عبد الله على محمد (2011). أثر استخدام نموذج التفکير السابر Probe Thinking على استراتيجيات اکتساب المفاهيم العلمية وتنمية مهارات التفکير الابتکاري لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية. مجلة کلية التربية، جامعة الأزهر، (51)، 1- 36.
أبو قورة، کوثر قطب (2020). أساليب التعلم والتفکير المفضلة في ضوء نظرية هيرمان للسيادة الدماغية وعلاقتها بالتحيز المعرفي لدى طلبة الجامعة. مجلة کلية التربية، جامعة کفر الشيخ، کلية التربية، 20 (2)، 19- 92.
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التميمي، مها مجيد (2015). بناء وتطبيق مقياس التفکير السريع - البطيء عند طلبة الجامعة. (رسالة ماجستير)، کلية التربية، جامعة بغداد.
الحارثي، حصة (2011). أثر الأسئلة السابرة في تنمية التفکير التأملي والتحصيل الدراسي في مبحث العلوم لدى طالبات الصف الأول المتوسط في مدينة مکة المکرمة. (رسالة ماجستير)، کلية التربية، جامعة أم القرى.
الحموري، فراس (2017). التحيزات المعرفية لدى طلبة جامعة اليرموک وعلاقتها بالجنس والتحصيل الأکاديمي. المجلة الأردنية في العلوم التربوية، 13(1)، 1- 14.
حميض، أسماء خليل (2020). أثر تدريس وحدتي فيزياء من خلال استراتيجية التفکير السابر بالمجموعات الإلکترونية في تنمية دافعية الانجاز والتحصيل لدى طالبات المرحلة الثانوية. المجلة العربية للتربية النوعية، (13)، 163- 190.
السبعاوي، فاطمة خلف، الجرجري، خشمان حسن (2012). التفکير السابر وعلاقته بالمعتقدات المعرفية لدى طلبة الجامعة. مجلة جامعة تکريت للعلوم، 19(11)، 483- 555.
سعدي، صلاح مجيد، وظاهر، نصير محمد (2018). فاعلية الطرق التکاملية في تحصيل طلاب الصف الثاني المتوسط في مادة التاريخ العربي الاسلامي وتنمية تفکيرهم السابر. مجلة کلية التربية الأساسية للعلوم التربوية والانسانية، (41)، 925- 943.
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ثانيا: المراجع العربية مترجمة باللغة الانجليزية:
Ibrahim, Samah Mahmoud (2020). The effectiveness of a training program based on the social information processing model in modifying cognitive biases and enhancing university inclusion among first-year university students. Educational Journal, HelwanUniversity, (80), 650-829.
Ibrahim, Abdullah Ali Muhammad (2011). The effect of using of probe thinking model on the strategies of acquiring scientific concepts and developing innovative thinking skills of primary school students. the faculty of Education Journal, Al-AzharUniversity, (51), 1-36.
Abu Qura, Kawthar Qutb (2020). Preferred learning and thinking methods in the light of Hermann's theory of brain dominance and its relationship to cognitive bias among university students. faculty of Education Journal, KafrEl-SheikhUniversity, Faculty of Education, 20 (2), 19-92.
Belaid, Zadma, Al-Zarrouk, Youssef, Maggie William, and Al-Shaarawy, Sahar Muhammad (2018). Post-traumatic stress disorder and its relationship to depression among university students. Journal of Scientific Research in Arts, Girls' College of Arts, Sciences and Education, Ain Shams University, 1(19), 40-75.
Al-Tamimi, Maha Majeed (2015). Building and applying the fast-slow thinking scale for university students. (Master Thesis), faculty of Education, University of Baghdad.
Al-Harthy, Hessa (2011). The effect of probe questions on developing reflective thinking and academic achievement in science for first-grade intermediate students in Makkah. (Master Thesis), faculty of Education, UmmAl-QuraUniversity.
Hammouri, Firas (2017). Cognitive biases at YarmoukUniversity students and its relationship to gender and academic achievement. The Jordanian Educational Sciences Journal, 13 (1), 1-14.
Humaid, Asma Khalil (2020). The effect of teaching two physics units, through probe thinking strategy in electronic groups on developing achievement motivation and achievement among secondary school students. Arab National Education Journal, (13), 163 - 190.
Al Sabawi, Fatima Khalaf, Al Jarjari, Khashman Hassan (2012). Proper thinking and its relationship to the cognitive beliefs of university students. TikritUniversity Science Journal, 19(11), 483-555.
Saadi, Salah Majid, and Zahir, Nasir Muhammad (2018). The effectiveness of integrative methods in the achievement of second-grade intermediate students in Arab-Islamic history and the development of their probe thinking. Journal of the faculty of Basic Education for Educational and Human Sciences, (41), 925-943.
Al-Shammari, Nabil Kazem, and Al-Kinani, Ihsan Abd (2018). Proper thinking among university students. Basra Journal of Human Sciences Research, University of Basra - faculty of Education and Human Sciences, 43 (3), 117- 138.
Shehabi, Salwa Faeq (2018). Cognitive bias and its relationship to emotional thinking among university students. Educational and Psychological Research Journal, (59), 330-359.
Abdel Aziz, Saeed (2009). Teaching thinking and skills. Amman, House of Culture,
Abdel-Fattah, Sherine, and Osman, Hana (2016). The effect of using the probe thinking model on developing some scientific concepts for a pre-school child. The Egyptian Journal of Scientific Education, 19(4), 85-134.
Abdel Nazeer, Heba (2019). Effectiveness of a teaching model based on self-organized learning in developing probe thinking skills and the power of cognitive control in mathematics among secondary school students, faculty Journal, Port Said University, (25), 276-315.
Abboud, Ibrahim Obaid (2020). The effect of the probe thinking strategy on learning discus throwing skills for students of the Faculty of Physical Education, University of Babylon European Journal of Sports Science Technology, (27), 41-58.
Azab, Hossam El-Din, Jamal El-Din, Wael Ahmed, and Mohamed, Saber (2018). Psychometric characteristics of the post-traumatic stress disorder scale. Psychological Counseling Journal, AinShamsUniversity, (54), 451-476.
Ali, Walaa Rabieh, and Abdo, Nermin Mahmoud (2019). Contribution of some dimensions of cognitive bias in predicting social anxiety for adolescents. FayoumUniversity Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences, 1 (12), 453-520.
Al-Ayasra, Walid (2011). probe and creative thinking. Amman, Dar Osama.
Fayyad, Noor Muhammad (2017). The effectiveness of reading therapy in improving body image and decreasing cognitive improvements on a sample of adolescent girls. Master Thesis, faculty of Education, YarmoukUniversity.
Qandil, Amira, Amin, Amal, Hassan, Yasmine (2018). The effectiveness of using the probe thinking model in teaching mathematics on the achievement and development of algebraic thinking among second year preparatory students. Sixteenth Annual Scientific Conference: Developing Mathematics Teaching and Learning to Achieve a Culture of Quality, Egyptian Association for Mathematics Education, 467-473.
Mahmoud, Manal (2018). Cognitive bias and gratitude as predictors of academic resilience for a sample of secondary school students. faculty of Education Journal, Al-Azhar University, Egypt, (180), 648-708.
Mokhtar, Ihab (2016). The effectiveness of a program based on metacognitive strategies in developing the probe thinking and study habits of outstanding students with learning difficulties in physics for the secondary stage. Arab Studies in Education and Psychology Journal, (75), 173-224.
Makki, Latif Ghazi, and Qalander, Sahela Hussein (2012). probe thinking and its relationship to the self-concept of university students. Psychological Sciences Journal, (25), 1-26.
Al-Yousifi, Ali (2009). Methods of thinking and learning among students of the Faculty of Jurisprudence. Islamic University Journal, (55), 2- 42.
ثالثا: المراجع الأجنبية:
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